A human-to-human brand for a machine-to-machine business
Reconnecting with customers
Digi products make it easy for devices — from industrial robots to heart monitors — to communicate, often wirelessly and under extreme conditions. This Machine-to-Machine (M2M) foundation of the Internet of Things (IoT) has been Digi’s business for three decades. But how could it reestablish its brand leadership in the wild and wide-open IoT marketplace?
Our research team wanted to know why, amid all the IoT upstarts, customers kept coming back to Digi. Through our proprietary brand process, including research, workshops, stakeholder interviews and other discovery tools, we identified unique strengths and points of difference that provided the foundation for their new brand. In the end, we were able to uncover what made Digi relevant and ready to lead the IoT connectivity industry.

Promising performance — no matter where or what
We found that only Digi was making IoT happen with can’t-fail wireless connectivity for customers’ mission-critical applications. While competitors talked about the lofty potential of the Internet of Things, Digi could promise the Internet of Getting Things Done.
With that insight, we updated their brand strategy, positioning, and tagline: “Connect with Confidence”. We helped create Digi’s technology partner story, redesigned the logo, brand identity, advertising and collateral system, led new UX/UI for Digi.com and produced a brand video on the potential of IoT and promise of Digi M2M connectivity.

Our rebranding has improved our corporate visibility – given us the consistency, energy, and framework for our communications in all avenues. Also important, our employees wholeheartedly embraced the new brand – not easily done. The corporate video is often cited as the best piece produced that really explains all that we do is a very simple and engaging manner.

Director of Marketing